Page 9 - WL-Winter-Magazine-2023
P. 9
Laughing the
Night Away
Chapter 827 Canton, Michigan
cold, wintery night
quickly warmed
A up as laughter and
generosity filled the room.
Chapter 827 Canton, Michi-
gan, held its first Lemon Auction
fundraiser in January 2023 at St.
Aidan’s Activity Center in Livo-
nia, Michigan. About 40 people
attended, helping Chapter 827,
“Chicks 4 Charity,” support Shel-
ter to Home Animal Rescue. The
chapter raised $1,646.26, includ-
ing $500 in Matching Funds from
Woman’s Life Insurance Society.
The event was catered with hot
appetizers, drinks, and dessert.
“Everyone enjoyed themselves,”
President Jen Cooper says. “We
had a wonderful auctioneer volun-
teer his time. Most people left with
some great items. We were able to
raise some good money for a great
The premise of a Lemon Auction
is to take a new “lemon of a gift,”
wrap it to entice high bids, and in- One of the chapter’s newer mem- Home rescues animals from city
clude a clue card of what it might bers, Jeanne Babinski, brought the pounds and shelters and finds
be, similar to a White Elephant gift idea for a Lemon Auction to a plan- them new homes primarily in the
exchange. Chapter 827 asked that ning meeting after participating in area.
the gifts have a minimum value of one the year prior at her church — Cooper’s advice for other chap-
$10. There was also a mystery prize and it was a hit. The event exceeded ters considering hosting a Lemon
valued at over $100. Attendees were the chapter’s fundraising goal of Auction is to add a little structure.
assigned numbered paddles to raise $1,500. Categorizing the items donated
when they wanted to place a bid. It was Chapter 827’s first event and adding minimum bids based
“The competitiveness of the benefiting Shelter to Home, and on each item’s value could be help-
participants as well as the clues representatives from the orga- ful to the auctioneer and bidders.
provided with the gifts had us all nization attended the event and “This was our first Lemon Auc-
laughing the night away,” Cooper expressed their appreciation. Based tion but most certainly not our
shares. in Wyandotte, Michigan, Shelter to last,” Cooper notes.