Page 8 - WL-Winter-Magazine-2023
P. 8
Shopping for a Cause
Chapter 812 Harsens Island, Michigan
delightful afternoon of shopping
and lunching raised an impres-
A sive amount of money for a local
Woman’s Life Chapter 812 Harsens Island, Mich-
igan, held the Blooming Boutique Ladies Luncheon
and Shopping earlier this year at The Old Club, a his-
toric yacht club on the water. A total of 186 people
attended. They helped to raise $7,017.34 for
Healing Hearts Home, including $500
in Matching Funds from Woman’s
Life Insurance Society.
“I was so pleased with this
year’s boutique,” President
Cheryl Cardinali says. “The ven-
dors brought a great selection
of clothing and other items. I
heard good comments from
many of the guests about the
vendors and the delicious meal
The Old Club served — and, of
course, I was happy with the money
we raised for this year’s cause.”
This was the second year that Chap-
ter 812, the “Cattails,” held the shopping
event with this format. This year, they were thrilled We definitely exceeded our
to surpass last year’s attendance by 19 people and to goal. this Was one of our best
exceed funds raised by $1,390.48. There was also an years, especially after changing
additional vendor this year, bringing the total to eight
vendors. the format last year.
“It was a very big success,” Treasurer Ilene Bischer Ilene Bischer, Chapter 812 treasurer
says. “We definitely exceeded our goal. This was one
of our best years, especially after changing the format
last year.” In addition to ticket sales, the chapter raised money
Bischer is referring to how the “Cattails” held an through a lottery tree, raffle baskets, and door priz-
annual fashion show for nine years with a sole ven- es. It was the chapter’s first time donating to Healing
dor. However, it was canceled in 2020 and 2021 due Hearts Home, a Port Huron, Michigan-based minis-
to COVID-19. When the group was ready to bring the try that helps women recover from trauma and abuse.
fundraiser back in 2022, they decided to remake it Bryson started the fashion show in 2004 to aid tsu-
into something a little different: boutique shopping. nami victims through the American Red Cross in
“It was a great idea, and it was very welcomed,” says partnership with Suzanne Kuhn of Suzanne’s Fash-
Susan Bryson, past president and fashion show found- ions. In the years that followed, it has raised money to
er. “It expands on a lot of things that women love.” support a variety of causes.