Page 10 - WL-Winter-Magazine-2023
P. 10
Team Cuisine
Chapter 800 Columbus, Ohio
s an active mem-
ber of Woman’s
A Life Chapter 800
Columbus, Ohio, Teri
Halsey excitedly awaited
her turn to choose a charity
for the chapter to support.
“My daughter has had two sur-
geries at Nationwide Children’s
Hospital, and while we didn’t
have to utilize Ronald McDonald
House, I always thought what a
great resource for parents who
don’t live nearby,” Halsey says.
“When I joined Woman’s Life, I
knew this is one charity I wanted
to bring to the table.”
A home away from home,
Ronald McDonald House in Co-
lumbus, Ohio, uses its prime
location across the street from
Nationwide Children’s Hospital to
offer temporary housing for fam-
ilies with a young child receiving
medical care. Open 365 days a year,
Ronald McDonald House ensures
families can be close to their chil-
dren during treatment, providing plus learn some cooking tips at fun doing it — and that was our
bedrooms with private suites and the same time,” Halsey explains. goal.”
isolated continuing-care suites for Led by Ronald McDonald House During the COVID-19 pan-
post-chemotherapy or post-trans- Chef Blair Arms, chapter mem- demic, Chapter 800 Columbus
plant care. bers prepared beef stroganoff members donated needed
Halsey coordinated with the over noodles with roasted carrots food items to Ronald McDon-
Ronald McDonald House Team and Brussels sprouts — first-time ald House and created no-sew
Cuisine program to have Chap- recipes for several members. That fleece blankets for the guests,
ter 800 members cook and serve night, about 75 guests at Ronald allowing members to keep a
a meal for guests with the hope McDonald House enjoyed the safe distance while continuing
that a home-cooked dinner would special dinner, which the chapter to support Ronald McDonald
help comfort families during a members served buffet-style. House and its mission. Halsey’s
difficult time. “I also thought how “The appreciation of the guests passion for the cause has cer-
fun it would be to work with an was so rewarding,” Halsey says. tainly permeated throughout
executive chef to prepare a meal, “We served a great meal and had the chapter.