Page 14 - WL-Winter-Magazine-2023
P. 14
to Woman
Peg Paradise:
A Grand
argaret “Peg” Paradise has built one of
the grandest legacies in Woman’s Life.
The passionate 91-year-old held nearly
M every leadership position, helped raise
tens of thousands of dollars for charities, and brought
four generations of family into the fold — all while
building financial security with life insurance and an-
nuities through Woman’s Life.
“I’ve done everything with Woman’s Life,” Paradise
says. “I’ve always loved belonging to such a great or-
A longtime Woman’s Life member, Paradise is also
president of one of its longest-running chapters. Re-
view 59 Rochester, New York, was chartered in 1892,
the year Bina West founded the organization.
Here, Paradise takes a walk down memory lane. great-grandchildren, and one great-great-grandchild.
“These are memories that last forever,” she says. She signed most of them up as members at birth.
Peg and Michael Paradise were married 65 years
family mattErs when he passed away, and they shared many special
Paradise thanks her aunt, Lena Gurnee, for bringing memories in Woman’s Life, including traveling to
her to Review 59 meetings as a child. Paradise took state meetings and national conventions with four
tap dance lessons, and the class performed at state other couples.
meetings and other functions. She also did ceremoni- “Our review was special,” she says. “We were like
al work with the guard team and marched in parades. family, all very close. The members have always been
“We had a large review then,” Paradise says. “I liked so cooperative and friendly. Our chapter has lasted so
the drill work. We had a lady of ceremonies, and ev- long because we appreciated and loved each other.”
erybody marched at our meetings, and we had a big Michael Paradise captured their memories in pho-
hall.” tos and videos. “They all loved him at Woman’s Life
Paradise’s mother, Dora Gurnee, was also a member because he was the cameraman,” Peg Paradise re-
as a single mom working full-time. Among Paradise’s calls. “He took movies of everything.” They compiled
early memories are taking the bus into downtown a highlight reel from several conventions, which they
Rochester for meetings, making hats for a contest, and presented at a New York state meeting.
attending a tea with her mom and aunt. “I thought, The couple attended nearly every national conven-
‘Wow, this is fun,’” Paradise says. “We were involved tion since 1952 in Houston, Texas. “It was exciting
in everything, and everyone was so nice.” because we went on the train,” she says. “They picked
Woman’s Life has been a family affair — and Par- up everybody from New York in all the little towns that
adise continued the tradition with her own family. had clubs. It was huge.”
Her husband, Michael, and their four children be- Another year, 21 family members went to the Na-
came members. Fast forward, and the family tree has tional Convention in Orlando, Florida. “That was
grown significantly. Paradise has 11 grandchildren, 10 really special,” she notes.