Page 5 - WL-Winter-Magazine-2023
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Woman’s Life
▶ An officer or director of a sub- ▶ Experience in investment Call us for assistance
ordinate branch of another management and oversight or to find a representative
fraternal benefit society; or and/or financial operations. in your area: 800-521-9292.
▶ A person who is a parent, ▶ History of active membership We’re here for you!
spouse, child or sibling of any and leadership in a Woman’s
current member of the board Life local chapter. VOLUNTEER:
of directors or any of the pro- ▶ Ability to effectively repre-
hibited categories specified sent Woman’s Life Insurance
above. Society to its members, chap-
ters, and communities. Volunteer with a
Other qualifications: ▶ History of membership and Woman’s Life chapter in
Overall, a nominee for the board leadership in non-profit orga- your community. To find a
should be a skillful decision-mak- nizations. chapter near you, visit
er and have the ability to analyze, ▶ Commitment to expend the
evaluate, communicate, exercise necessary time and effort to chapters/locate/
sound judgment and provide di- serve on this board. or call us to learn how
rection regarding the Society’s ▶ Commitment to continual- you can start a new chapter in
business and fraternal opportuni- ly increase knowledge and your community.
ties and performance. learning on key issues affect-
This would include benefit ing the organization through FIND US ONLINE:
members with some or all of the structured or unstructured
following qualifications: education opportunities. This
▶ Broad business or organiza- would include gaining knowl-
tional leadership experience. edge of the Society’s regulatory For information about our life
▶ High integrity and credibil- agencies and their effect on insurance and annuity products,
ity. Woman’s Life.
opportunities to participate
in a Woman’s Life chapter,
and the many benefits of
ElEction timElinE: membership in Woman’s Life:
November 2023 Official nomination forms available
January 15, 2024 Final date nominations can be GET SOCIAL:
accepted at the Home Office
February 15, 2024 Final date for election ballots to be
sent to benefit members
March 15, 2024 Ballots received after this date will @WomansLifeIns
not be counted in the election
April 2024 Election results tabulated and newly
elected directors announced woman’s-life-insurance-society