Page 4 - WL-Winter-Magazine-2023
P. 4
Life Connects
Notice of Election and
Nomination Process
Board ElEction: efit members will be available in Prohibited conflicts of interest:
Early in 2024, benefit members November, by calling the home Conflicts that would prohibit a
will be invited to participate in office at 1-800-521-9292 exten- benefit member from serving
the election of three directors to sion 132. The last day to submit for election to the board of
serve four-year terms. Election a nomination for the 2024 board directors — as defined by law
materials, including the notice election is January 15, 2024. and by the Articles and Laws of
of election, information from the Member nominees will be Woman’s Life Insurance Society
board chair, and biographies of referred to the governance com- — include benefit members
the candidates, along with a ballot mittee. This committee has the who are also:
will be sent to each benefit mem- responsibility of making the final ▶ An employee or officer of the
ber in February and members determination of whether or not Society;
will cast their ballots. Each vote a candidate is qualified to appear ▶ A sales agent, producer or
carries the same weight and there on the election ballot. field representative or former
is no proxy voting. sales agent, producer or field
nominEE Qualifications: representative of the Society;
nominations: Required qualifications: ▶ An employee, officer, direc-
Benefit members will also have All nominees must be benefit tor, or current or former sales
the opportunity to nominate members of Woman’s Life In- agent, producer or field rep-
qualified candidates for the surance Society and must be less resentative, of any entity that
board. Official nomination forms than age 72 as of February 15, sells or issues life insurance
requiring the support of 75 ben- 2024. or annuities;