Page 6 - WLIS-Fall-Magazine-2023
P. 6


            PROTECTING THE

            WHOLE FAMILY’S                                                                                      PHOTO: © ISTOCKPHOTO.COM/PORTFOLIO/HISPANOLISTIC


            By Joy Collins FICF, Regional Director

                    homas, age 31, and Penny, age 30,             Because every family’s needs and goals are different,
                                                                Woman’s Life offers many options and combinations
                    have two children: Aaron, age 8,            of life insurance plans and riders. Here are just two
            Tand Stephanie, age 5. This young                   scenarios Penny and Thomas might consider.
            family recently purchased a new home,               Scenario one: one plan with optional riderS
            and Thomas and Penny want to make sure              Covering the entire family under one plan is possible
                                                                by adding riders to one base plan. Combining a whole
            that if one of them died, the family would          life plan and a term rider for Penny can provide a larg-
            be able to maintain their home and cur-             er total benefit while keeping costs lower.
            rent lifestyle while also covering any funer-       Penny,     $150,000 death benefit Intuitions ®

            al costs and final expenses.                        age 30     Whole Life Insurance with the following
              To find the right approach for their family, Thom-           ▶ 20-Year Level Benefit Term Rider:
            as and Penny outlined their current financial needs              providing Penny with $150,000 in
            along with some of what they anticipated for the fu-             additional convertible term life insur-
            ture, including college for the children, and funding            ance coverage.
            their own retirement. Like many people, they began             ▶ 20-Year Spouse Term Life Insurance
            their research online and later spoke with a trusted             Rider: providing Thomas with
            Woman’s Life representative.                                     $150,000 in convertible term life
              Thomas and Penny learned that life insurance can               insurance coverage.
            provide a solid foundation for their financial security        ▶ Children Term Life Insurance Rider:
            as well as positive options for their family if the worst        providing $25,000 in convertible term
            were to happen. Their research also showed that pur-             life insurance for both children until
            chasing  convertible  term  life  insurance  while  they         they turn 25.
            are young and healthy can guarantee they’ll be able
            to convert to whole life coverage when they’re a bit   Total monthly premium for the entire family:  $136.08
            older, even if their health changes.

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