Page 8 - WLIS-Fall-Magazine-2023
P. 8


            Open Mic Event

            Engages Community

            Chapter 805 Indianapolis, Indiana

                          oman’s  Life
                          Chapter 805

            W Indianapolis,
            Indiana, held a successful
            Open Mic Family Event

            as part of their ongoing
            support for Outreach Indi-
            ana, an organization that

            provides resources for
            homeless teens and young
            adults ages 14–24.

              The event raised $1,000, includ-
            ing $500 in Matching Funds from
            Woman’s Life, which helped                                           well by collecting  free-will dona-
            Outreach with their 19th annual            Our Chapter               tions at the door.”
            Walking for Dreams 2023 Fami-          members are alsO                The event was a big success in
            ly and Pet Walk — a fundraising      exCited that we have            drawing people together with-
            event the Chapter has supported      been invited tO COme            out a huge amount of work for
            with Woman’s Life’s Matching           tO the sChOOls tO             busy Chapter members. “We
            Funds for many years.                                                had 15 non-stop performances,
              Chapter President Millie Louis-    enCOurage kids and              including people who work in
            saint says, “Open mic events are    stress the impOrtanCe            the community as well as those
            popular but usually require sell-     Of learning abOut              who were intrigued by the op-
            ing tickets. We found sponsors        the spOken wOrd.               portunity,” Louissaint says. “The
            who would donate $50 to have a            Millie Louissaint          performers included poets as
            spot on the flyer or a table or $30                                  well as people reading excerpts
            for food sponsors to bring food to                                   from their published works.”
            sell.”  Three  food  vendors  accept-  Louissaint remembers. “We want-  “Our Chapter members are also
            ed, and two provided food during   ed families to be able to participate,   excited that we have been invited
            the event.                         so we scheduled the event from    to come to the schools to encour-
              Another critical step was finding   11:00 am to 2:00 pm. We promoted   age kids and stress the importance
            the right venue. “A new Chapter    the event on social media and on   of learning about the spoken word.
            member serves on the board of our   Eventbrite as a daytime event that   One of our poets was invited to at-
            Ujamaa Community Bookstore,        was free to the public. This made   tend another open-mic event and
            and when we visited, we realized it   our event stand out because most   even gained a mentor for her bud-
            provided the perfect family vibe —   open mics are in the evening, and   ding career — and we gained her
            and it was available at no charge,”   they charge admission. We did very   as a new member!”

            6   WOMANSLIFE.ORG   FALL 2023
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