Page 5 - WLIS-Fall-Magazine-2023
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                                                                               Woman’s Life


                                                                                   Call us for assistance
                                                                                 or to find a representative
                                                                                in your area: 800-521-9292.
                                                                                    We’re here for you!


                                                                                     Volunteer with a
                                                                                 Woman’s Life chapter in
                                                                                 your community. To find a
                                                                                   chapter near you, visit
                                                                                   or call us to learn how
                                                                                you can start a new chapter in
                                                                                     your community.
               Blue Water Area Chamber                                            FIND US ONLINE:

              of Commerce Eddy Award:

                                                                               For information about our life
              Lighthouse Award Finalist                                       insurance and annuity products,
                                                                                opportunities to participate
                                                                                 in a Woman’s Life chapter,
                                                                                 and the many benefits of
                     oman’s Life Insurance Society was honored to be nom-      membership in Woman’s Life:
                     inated recently for the distinguished Lighthouse Award
            Wby members of the Blue Water Area Chamber of Com-                           VISIT:
            merce and the Chamber’s Eddy Awards Committee. The annual      
            Eddy Award recognizes an organization that is a beacon of the
            community.                                                               GET SOCIAL:
              “For more than 130 years, it has been Woman’s Life’s mission to
            help women and their families prepare for a secure financial fu-
            ture while supporting their community outreach,” says Woman’s
            Life National President Chris Martin. “I’m certain this commit-
            ment to the community is one of the reasons our founder, Bina
            West, was so passionate about working with other local business          @WomansLifeIns
            owners to start and support the local Chamber of Commerce.”
              Although Woman’s Life did not win this award, we were hon-
            ored to be a finalist and congratulate the other nominees and all
            the 2023 Eddy Award winners.                                

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