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National President’s


                                               hen I read this issue of Woman’s Life magazine, a theme clearly stood
                                               out to me: children and families.
                                      W I am a big believer that you are never too young to begin preparing for
                                      a secure financial future (no surprise there), and Joy Collins’ article, “Protecting the
                                      Whole Family’s Financial Security,” presents two potential ways to provide a  foun-
                                      dation for financial security for an entire family.
                                        My wife and I purchased whole life insurance for all three of our children when
                                      they were young to start them on their financial planning journey. In doing so, we
                                      were able to guarantee their insurability and establish a fixed premium for each
                                      of them that is locked in even as they grow into adulthood. Purchasing insurance
                                      when they were young was affordable and ensured they would have some financial
                                      security as they transition through different periods of their lives.
                                        Of course, Woman’s Life is about more than just building financial security, it is
                                      also about helping others and improving our communities. Each chapter highlight-
                                      ed in this issue held an event that impacts children and families. From enlightening
                                      school-aged children about Black history legends, to encouraging kids to learn the
                                      importance of the spoken word, to supporting special-needs children and their sib-
                                      lings, to providing financial assistance to men, women, and children with cancer,
                                      the passion of our members to help others — in so many different ways — contin-
                                      ues to inspire me.
                                        Time, effort, and funding for children and families are crucial to the future of
                                      Woman’s Life and our communities. These children may be the future leaders of
                                      our chapters, and they will no doubt be leaders in their families and communities.
                                      I commend our chapters for the important work they do in their communities.
                                        Lastly, what an honor for Woman’s Life to be recognized as a community leader
                                      by two different organizations! We are humbled to be recognized for our work, and
                                      it pushes us to continue to live our mission. THANK YOU to our entire Home
                                      Office team for their commitment to Woman’s Life and our members. While they
                                      work tirelessly for our members and the community, they do not do it for recog-
                                      nition. It makes it that much more gratifying to know that people recognize and
                                      appreciate our efforts.


                                                            Christopher Martin
                                                            National President

                                      Volume 129, Number 3

               Editor                    Writing and              Woman’s Life (ISSN 1093-9903) is published quarterly by Woman’s Life Insurance
               Christopher Martin        Editorial Direction      Society, 1338 Military St., Port Huron, MI 48060. Periodicals postage paid at Port
                                                                  Huron, MI 48061 and additional offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to
               National President        Carla Kalogeridis        Woman’s Life Insurance Society, P.O. Box 5020, Port Huron, MI 48061-5020.
               Club 11 Port Huron        Beverly Sturtevant       Woman’s Life is the official publication of Woman’s Life Insurance Society, a fraternal
                                         Kaló Media               benefit society serving the life insurance, financial and fraternal needs of women and
                                                                  their families. Circulation 23,000. All manuscripts and editorial inquiries should be
               Managing Editor                                    sent to the attention of the managing editor.
               Karen Deschaine           Graphic Design           Questions or comments? Call Woman’s Life at 1-800-521-9292, ext. 181.
               Director of Communications  Stewart Moon           ® Woman’s Life is a registered trademark of Woman’s Life Insurance Society.
               Chapter 757 Port Huron    Moon Design              All others are registered trademarks of their respective companies.
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