Page 9 - WLIS-Fall-Magazine-2023
P. 9


        Children Explore

        Black History

        Chapter 817 Southfield, Michigan

              ince 2018, Woman’s
              Life Chapter 817 “Je

        S T’aime” Southfield,
        Michigan, has honored
        Dr. Martin Luther King

        Jr.’s life and  legacy on
        the day he is celebrated
        nationally. Chapter Chair-

        woman  Nina  Wheeler
        likes to keep the program
        fresh by giving it a new fo-

        cus each year. “This year’s
        Black History program
        was born out of a desire
        to enlighten school-aged
                                           “Youth older than 18 were asked to   “For example, they played Red
        children about the lives           help facilitate some of the games,   Light, Green Light and talked
                                           which helped them build new        about Garrett Morgan’s traffic
        of the many Black history          leadership skills.” The choice of a   light invention to  make  it more
        legends who contributed            taco bar was easy, Wheeler says.   relatable and fun. They also filled
                                           “There are so many ways a taco     plastic light bulbs with candy as
        to our progress as a peo-          can be made, and you’re bound      they talked about Lewis Howard
        ple today,” Wheeler says.          to find a combination everyone     Latimer’s contributions to the de-
                                           likes. It is a relatively portable   velopment of the light bulb.”
          In 2023, Chapter 817 used a $250   meal, easily constructed, and can   “The high point of the event for
        Volunteer Service Project Grant    even be made vegetarian.”          ages 9–18 was a scavenger hunt
        from Woman’s Life to purchase        “For 9– to 18–year-olds, we con-  to encourage the teams to work
        food and decorations as they pre-  ducted  a Kahoot-style  session  to   together to bring about success,”
        pared to host their program for    let individuals strut their prowess   Wheeler says. “The most memo-
        children in the community. “The    with Black history. Prizes were    rable moments for us were when
        event included a taco bar lunch,   awarded for first, second, and     we observed the intrigued looks
        and students were invited to pres-  third place,” Wheeler notes. The   on the children’s faces when they
        ent or give a speech about a Black   event also offered learning op-  did the scavenger hunt. They were
        historian,” she explains. The chil-  portunities for 5– to 8–year-olds.   definitely collaborating with each
        dren who spoke were as young as    “That team had some very unique    other to fulfill the requirements
        five years old up to 18 years old.   sessions,” Wheeler remembers.    in the hopes of winning!”

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