Page 11 - WLIS-Fall-Magazine-2023
P. 11


       Tulip Pots HAIL Spring

        Woman’s Life Chapter 830 Port Huron, Michigan

                    embers of

                    Woman’s  Life
        M Chapter 830
        Port Huron, Michigan,

        were tired of winter back
        in January of 2022. “We
        were talking about our

        next fundraiser, and we all
        agreed we were just done
        with winter,” remembers
        Chairperson Laura Frank.

        “We were ready to spring
        ahead, and what better way
        to celebrate spring than

        with tulips?”
                                                                              flowers,” Frank says. The plants
          Chapter 830 has raised funds           we lOved this way            were delivered in huge boxes,
        for the Betty Kearns Cancer           tO raise mOney and              and chapter members worked to-
        Fund  for  several  years.  “The       were thrilled tO               gether to put the pots in colorful
        fund was started to honor a late,      present the fund               sleeves. They even added a thank-
        well-known woman in our com-                                          you note to each one before the
        munity,”  Frank  says.  “The  fund   with $1,735, inCluding           tulips were sorted by color and
        provides financial assistance for      $500 in matChing               the number ordered by each cus-
        men, women, and children who               funds frOm                 tomer. “We delivered some of the
        are going through cancer treat-         wOman’s life.                 pots,” Frank explains, “but many
        ment by letting them focus on                Laura Frank              people picked them up at the
        healing, rather than finances.”                                       shop, which also brought more
        The fund stays local and helps                                        business into our florist’s shop.”
        members of the community with      we decided to participate,” Frank    “We loved this way to raise
        things like treatments, diagnos-   says. Members took orders from     money and were thrilled to
        tics, transportation, mortgage or   friends  and  family  and  through   present the fund with $1,735, in-
        rent, utilities, medical supplies,   Facebook  followers  for  tulips  in   cluding $500 in Matching Funds
        and even everyday necessities.     three colors: pink, purple, and    from Woman’s Life,” Frank says.
          “I have a friend who was the     yellow. “We found they just sold   “That first year, we sold 180 pots.
        chairperson for the 2023 Blue      themselves,” she recalls.          In 2023, we received orders for
        Water Little Black Dress event, an   Chapter 830 chose Bel Fiori      210 of the popular pots. The tulip
        annual event held to financially   Mercato as their local florist. “It’s   sale is likely to be an annual event
        support the Betty Kearns Cancer    a small shop, but it has  a great   here, and it would work well any-
        Fund, and this is the second year   vibe and beautiful gifts as well as   where in the country.”

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