Page 15 - WLIS-Fall-Magazine-2023
P. 15

message on Facebook Messenger asking me to return
           a passage from a poem about                      as the next week’s poetic headliner. I was elated! I’ve
           disabilities called “Dis-Able”                   since been asked to perform three more times at that
                                                            same venue!
           I saw the Serena
           that lives deep inside of me                     WL: What do you feel is your personal writing style?
                                                              McKeever: Most of my pieces are thought-provok-
           And the Lebron                                   ing pieces about real life that I hope others can relate
           that outwardly others could not see              to. I sometimes throw in a bit of comic relief to uplift
           And even though my creator                       my audience at the same time. The poem I performed
           grants me serenity                               at the Woman’s Life Open Mic Night was called “My
           I’d ask each day                                 Truth,” and it was my way of sharing my personal
           if his list of miracles included me              story.  My second poem was the one that garnered
                                                            me a headline gig. It was a lighthearted piece with a
                                                            funny ending.

                                                            WL: How did you come by the stage name HeriCane?
        nerve and performed a poem I wrote about domes-       McKeever:  The  day  I  met  Teresa  at  the  Woman’s
        tic violence. I was surprised and delighted to receive   Life Open Mic Night, I was walking with my cane that
        many compliments and wonderful feedback from        I’m using just until my hip gets better. While brain-
        other poets and attendees.                          storming on the phone with her a week later, we came
          Now, I can safely say that the Woman’s Life Open   up with the name Da Hericane. A few days later, I
        Mic Night was the beginning of a new chapter of my   shortened it to just HeriCane and capitalized the C.
        life, supporting the Bevy Smith quote that “…it gets   I plan to continue to use the same name even after I
        greater later.” Woman’s Life opened a door for me   no longer need my cane to represent a great poet who
        that  had  barely  been  cracked  for  many  years,  and   does a massively strong job of delivering the spoken
        it catapulted me into the spoken-word arena that    word — like a hurricane poet.
        I’m still enthusiastically but patiently navigating. I
        have also since joined Woman’s Life Chapter 805,    WL: How does the Woman’s Life mission fit with your
        and I eagerly look forward to participating in many   values and goals?
        more events geared toward the betterment of our       McKeever: I believe in being the very best human
        community.                                          being I can be and living by the Golden Rule of treat-
                                                            ing others the way I’d like to be treated. I love helping
        WL: Did your chance to speak bring more new oppor-  those in need and doing whatever I can to help make
        tunities?                                           someone’s life better — or even just brightening
          McKeever: It did — and I’ve been amazed! The last   someone’s day with a smile or kind words. You never
        stranger who approached me to bestow kudos at the   know what kind of day a person is having, and the
        Woman’s Life Open Mic Night gave me a huge hug      effect your simple, “How’s your day going?” will have
        and whispered in my ear that I have that “it,” and she   on someone’s day. I try to do it at every opportunity,
        asked if she could be my spoken-word mentor. I im-  and I love using the person’s name to make them look
        mediately jumped at the opportunity. Since that date,   up at me and engage with a smile.
        Teresa Stewart has consistently poured her time and   Before becoming a member of Woman’s Life Chap-
        wisdom into me to help me gain more confidence      ter 805, I’d attended several of their events with Alecia.
        in the delivery of my craft. She assures me that my   She’s my best friend, and she is always there for me,
        God-given writing talent was always there but that   so I would always reciprocate in kind by showing
        homing in on the perfect delivery often takes years   up to participate in any event they were sponsoring.
        of practice.                                        When I learned more about them — especially that
          Thanks to Teresa, two weeks later, I had the con-  their mission is “having fun, building friendships,
        fidence to perform in front of an audience for the   and engaging in community outreach” — I immedi-
        second time at another open mic event in downtown   ately knew it was an organization I would be excited
        Indianapolis. And the very next day, I received a direct   and honored to be a part of.

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