Page 16 - WLIS-Fall-Magazine-2023
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Woman’s Life Insurance Society ®
          A Fraternal Benefit Society
             1338 Military Street
               P.O. Box 5020
          Port Huron, MI 48061-5020

            Flexible Premium

            Deferred Annuity

            (M99-2200 FLEX)

                                              ▶  Guaranteed minimum interest   Minimum premium $1,000 lump
                   5.00%                        rate as stated in your contract at   sum ($500 under age 25) or estab-
                                                                               lished automatic bank draft:
                                                the time of issue
                                              ▶  10% annual withdrawal without   ▶  Ages 0 – 24:   $25/month
                total first-year interest rate  surrender charges              ▶  Ages 25 – 49:    $50/month
                  on all account values         (after 1st year)               ▶  Ages 50 and over:   $100/month
                                              ▶  Guaranteed principle less any
                                                prior partial withdrawals
            ▶  Interest rate includes 2.10% first-  ▶  Tax-deferred accumulation of   Contact your Woman’s
              year bonus; current interest rates   assets for the future       Life Representative, visit
              not guaranteed and subject to   ▶  Nursing Home & Terminal,
              change                            Illness Waiver                 or call 800-521-9292 ext. 261 to
            ▶  Available as a traditional or   ▶  A lifetime income payout option   get started today!
              Roth IRA, or nonqualified plan;   for a retirement income you
              suitable for 401(k) rollover      can’t outlive

            During the first four years, there is a 7% surrender charge. Beginning in year five, the surrender charge decreases 1% each year and reaches
            zero in year eleven.
            Withdrawals may be taxable.
            Surrender and withdrawal charges are waived for confinement to a nursing home of either member or spouse for more than 30 days duration
            (not available in NJ, NY, or PA) or terminal illness with less than 12 months life expectancy of either the member or spouse (not available in
            NJ or NY)
            Not a deposit. Not FDIC insured. Not insured by any Federal Government Agency. Not guaranteed by any bank. May lose value.
            Not available in all states.

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